TV-APATHY : Insomnia


Insomnia Coffee Screnshot
AppStore download link
It is available for the iPhone in the Apple AppStore® and also as a standalone Apple Watch ® App.


On the overview you can see the status graph, which shows your current (white) and past (dim white) level of caffeine. In green you see how much caffeine you could consume before it get's too much.
Below the status graph you see your current level of caffeine and the time it takes until you will reach a sleep ready level.
At the bottom you have the three buttons to either add one, two or three shots of coffee. Above you see the time at which you'd reach your sleep level again, if you would drink one, two or three shots of coffee right now.

Isomnia main screen
1Tap to navigate to the Preferences.
2The current amount of caffeine in your bloodstream.
3How long it will take you to be "sleep ready" again.
4The status graph. Stay in the green area and you'll be fine when you want to go to sleep. The white stripes show the your level of caffeine for the past (darker) and the future. The first light bar is your current caffeine level.
5Tap to add on to three shots of caffeine. The time indicates when you would be sleep ready again, if you drank that amount of caffeine now. If the button and the time is red, then adding this much caffeine would be too much to be sleep ready on time.
6Your caffeine records for the past 36hrs. Tap to change them. If you want to keep a permanent record of your caffeine consumption, then enable HealthKit in the Preferences.


In the options screen (tap on the status graph to navigate here) you can access the data you recorded and the settings.

Isomnia preferences screen
1Choose the amount of caffeine one shot of one Espresso usually has.
2Adjust Insomnia to your personal sleeping style. It might take a few days, until you have found your amount of caffeine, which still allows you a good sleep.
3If you want, you can switch on HealthKit to add your caffeine records there as well. This can be used to keep a permanent record of your caffeine consumption. Also if you are also using Insomnia on your Apple Watch it will keep the data in sync.


Insomnia can be either used in together with HealthKit or standalone. When used with HealthKit the data (caffeine records) is stored within HealthKit and can be managed using the Health App. Please refer to Apple's privacy statement and the documentation of the Health App to see how the data is managed there.

When used without HealthKit the data is only stored locally on device and older data is regularly deleted from the device.

In any case the data is only being used for the purpose of the Insomnia to function (calculate the current approximate amount of caffeine in your bloodstream depending on how much coffee (caffeine) you drank). All calculations are done locally on the watch.


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